How Long Does it Take to Make Ice Cubes?

The summer will be just around the corner in a couple of months, and it’s time to prepare for some chilly drinks and cocktails. Preparing ice is a daily life errand for homemakers to meet the family’s requirements.

While making ice with an ice maker is a simplistic process, it’s important to understand how long it takes to make ice cubes, especially if you’re preparing them in bulk. 

The duration of ice preparation can depend on the type of ice. For instance, if you’re wondering how long does it take to make soft ice, the answer could be different compared to that for ice cubes.  

In this post, we will find out all you need to know about the ice-making duration and how you can use it to prepare the desired amount of ice. 

How Long Does it Take to Make Ice Cubes in a Freezer?

The duration of the freezing time depends on a few factors. Firstly, it’s the freezer temperature. Typically, most household freezers have a standard temperature setting of 0 degrees Fahrenheit, i.e., -17.8 degrees Celsius. 

Secondly, it also depends on what else you’re storing in the freezer other than the ice cube tray. If there is other stuff too, it will take longer for your ice cubes to freeze.

Moreover, the size of the ice tray and the type of conductor also play a significant role in determining how long does it take to make an ice cube in a freezer. 

Interestingly, the water temperature also plays a role in freezing time. Now, it’s quite intuitive that colder water would take less time to freeze. However, science says that warmer water freezes quickly. In fact, even boiling water freezes quicker than cold water.


The Time Duration for Freezing

If you take boiling water in a standard ice cube tray having 12 ice cubes, it usually takes up to an hour to start freezing. On the other hand, if you put cold water in the ice cube tray, it can take up to three hours to completely freeze.
So, if you’re preparing ice for a party while using a freezer, it is recommended to put boiling water in the freezer to reduce the freezing time. 

Making Ice Cubes in an Ice Maker

An ice maker is specially designed just for making ice, so it should provide a more efficient output than the freezer. You must first load the ice tray with water to make ice cubes with an ice maker. In standard conditions, the ice maker takes at least 90 minutes to prepare 8 to 10 ice cubes. While the ice tray can hold up to 10 pounds of ice at once, it provides a more efficient method that is completely dedicated to producing ice. 

How Long Does it Take to Make Soft Ice

Freezing soft ice in a freezer can take up to 3 hours. Place a bottle of water in a freezer and take it out after one and a half to three hours. The water is below the freezing temperature, but the ice crystals haven’t formed yet. 

Pour the water into an ice cube, and you will get instant soft ice that you can use for slushes and soft drinks. 


Now that you know how long to make an ice cube, you can plan accordingly when it comes to preparing ice for house parties and daily use. It also allows you to determine what type of ice maker you need to make the right amount of ice at optimal cost. So, start making ice to cater to better host your friends and family at home. 

      The Hub for Ice Making Appliances